Revealing Author’s Opinion Through Text Evidence

A fringe group of scientists and tech moguls think their closing the fountain of youth. writes about weather it is humane to use bioengineering, although most scientist do not approve of this movement, the author doesn’t seem to either through negative connotation.

Ethical issues were brought up throughout the passage, the author explains there are “equally alarming possibilities of success”. He also begins to explain there are serious threats to the outcome of surgeries comparing them to the Tv show botched, saying there are potentially disastrous consequences. The author also compares individuals with a fantasy comic book, where “cyborgs install hardware in themselves to gain superpowers of a sort.” He then goes on to say “We need to think about the implications before it’s too late.”

Is the ultimate goal to genetic engineering to make life easier and to possibly live longer? Is it easier with all of the implications? A downside the author repeats with of the technology is when hardware needs to be updated surgery is needed, Is everyone willing to get a surgery every once to twice a year? Another downside leading to the authors negative opinion of the subject is the expenses in genetic engineering, costing about $180,000 including replace keys, passwords and e-tickets. The evidence from – Are Scientists On Board? Is mostly negative input from the author revealing his opinion on the subject, he says “most scientists are either skeptical or firmly opposed to any effort that supports to reverse aging or extend human life spans indefinitely.” The author writes A Michigan professor conducted a study in which 28 citizens apposed to Grey’s life-span goals saying “it’s so far from plausible that it commands no respect at all within the informed scientific community.”

The author reveals his opinion by including Harvard doctors opinions, Silicon Valley standards, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerburg, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, and even a fictional comic book imitating what people are doing in real-life to explain the dissatisfactory of the subject. Overall the author explains many complications and evidence of opposed doctors and professors giving many opinions on how bioengineering is unethical and that there are many downsides to the genetic hacking proving that his negative opinion is made known.

Scarlet Letter revealed themes

Nathaniel Hawthorne reveals themes through out the story through the community’s judgement and sin. So how do you identify the themes in The Scarlet Letter? There can, of course, be more than one theme. This is definitely the case in The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne reveals characters having hidden emotions showing lessons and themes through characters.

Different themes in The Scarlet Letter apply to different characters, and the identity is most applicable to Hester. From the beginning of the book, the people of the Massachusetts Bay Colony determine Hester’s identity for her. She’s publicly shamed and forced to wear an A on her clothing, so everyone knows her as the adulteress. But she’s a much more complex character than that, and that is when stereotype because a problem, when people do not acknowledge the different qualities of a person. As the story continues, she begins to form her own identity. Hester is a song independent mother. Perhaps because she is isolated from the rest of society, she takes her identity as a mother very seriously. After some time, she starts interacting with the community again. She helps the poor and tries to be a good person, despite what society may think of her (stereotype). As she develops her own identity, the symbolism of the A changes from a mark of sin to one of self-empowerment.

In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne explores the theme of sin in Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth, although it seems at first that Hester has committed a serious sin it is Dimmesdale and Chillingworth who are the true sinners as they are consumed by the sins they commit. Instead of acknowledging Hester’s very public sin (adultery, which the whole town knows about), the story delves into the private sins of Chillingworth and Dimmesdale. The story opens with Hester being publicly shamed for committing adultery. And while the Puritans view all sins as being equally bad, The Scarlet Letter puts forth a different notion. Knowing, the Puritans were a pretty intense group of Christians. They didn’t believe in music or dancing, and they were especially cruel to sinners showing their own underlying sin of judgment.He publicly shames Hester even though he’s the “other man.” Dimmesdale earns the respect of the public by denying his own sin while condemning Hester’s.

Hypocrisy in the Scarlet Letter is shown through Dimmesdale. You kind of root for him because he’s a much nicer guy than Chillingworth, but he’s living a lie. As the leader of a church, he should know better. The Scarlet Letter shows just how dangerous living a lie can be. The entire community respects Dimmesdale he’s a great orator, and he helps people when they’re in trouble. He condemns Hester for her adultery because it is what is expected of him, but he also shows her some compassion. After all, she is his lover. But while Hester is treated as an outcast, Dimmesdale is praised as an honorable guy even though they participated in the same sin. Eventually, Dimmesdale’s hypocrisy eats him up inside. He feels guilty about it, and an A appears on his chest as a physical representation of his sin.

There are many lessons including, hypocrisy, underlying sin, and woman feminity they all have a common lesson in judgment. Hawthorne shows our society how not to treat people Hawthorne shows the readers a bad example of hypocrisy, sin, and woman feminism to show how to avoid wrong judgment.

End of the Year Reflections

My English Class Overview To Mrs. Shelton

My English class for 2018 has been very successful. There were many times I was excited coming in, in the morning and do something fun in your class. You always had creative ideas to get us to learn. Granted I didn’t like star testing and having to write as much as we did, but that did in fact make me a better writer. And I have become very fond of writing blogs. I feel like I can write off my mind and it’s an easy grade. I wasn’t in regular English all of my 9th grade, I was actually in honors at the beginning of the year, but when I moved my schedule got changed to all academic classes (regular classes) although I enjoyed this class I do feel as though I could go back to honors next year. After being in an academic English I know I could challenge myself a little further and go to honors next year. I loved how we did lots of projects my favorite project was the Romeo and Juliet fortnite. I realized then that I love Shakespeare.

I love annotating, I realized I love annotating while reading the play Romeo and Juliet. You made us write our thoughts while reading, turns out I think a lot while reading so it was easy I just had to write what I thought while reading. I also learned a lot about grammar, because of our daily “bell ringers.” I did loose a couple of my bellringers, for some reason it seemed like I could never keep up with mine, but that is a part of 9th grade, learning to keep of with things and learning responsibility. I think everyone should be able to keep up with a pencil by now. We learned about tone, we did a project about it and I actually learned a lot, I thought the

tone and theme were the same thing, the tone is the way the author expresses his attitude through his writing. We wrote on sticky notes sentences from a poem that revealed where the author was trying to include tone, even though I was the only one participating I did learn a lot. The picture is from the project we did. We concluded those couple sentence leave a fiesty tone that the author was trying to show to the readers.

We also did a project on the book Fahrenheit 451, we recorded ourselves acting like the characters from the book and I added some “bloopers” to show everyone really has fun with everyone in this class. Many classes are not like our class this year everybody liked everybody. That can be hectic at sometimes so I’m sorry for that hopefully we didn’t give you too much of a headache! Thank you for being an amazing teacher Mrs. Shelton!

Movie on 10-20-17 at 9.13 AM-qtsp3n

“Being a man” Inspired By To Kill a Mockingbird

What does it mean to be a man?

Do you think American men and maybe men anywhere else in the world are confused about what it means to be a man? Over generations there have been many ideas and preferences to what a man is and how he should act, being a true man and being male are two different things. I think aspects of being a man is standing up for something and speaking against things when they know it’s right. It’s providing for his family. It’s taking care of his family. That’s what a man really is, in to kill a mocking bird the character, Atticus was standing up for a crippled black man being falsely accused of rape. To me that alone is a very manly thing to do, he believes the man did nothing wrong and he intends to stand up for him.

Bad Parenting?

Are the parents to blame of this loss of culture? The younger generation needs examples of real men to grow up and follow in their footsteps, there are many good men still but there are many counterexamples, everything starts at the very peak of adolescence if there are not

figures in early life showing, and leading an example of how to be, the young adults will show behavior of its peers or other examples around him. Bad parenting can affect the child in big ways it can inhibit the inability to have long lasting friendships and relationships. New York Times says bad parenting makes

a child more prone to criminal behaviors. Making these children grow up behaving irregular teaching more these wrong behaviors. Neglected children and those who are exposed to abuse are more likely to be prosecuted for juvenile delinquency. Other common effects of bad parenting include failure to thrive and poor growth and development both physically and mentally.

What does this mean?

To be a man you must lead by example and if we have no one to learn how to lead there will be no more leaders. Leadership is a very important aspect of a community. says “every company wants it, every company looks for it, tries to train for it, and tries to hire for it.So why do 71% of businesses feel that their leaders are not able to lead their organization into the future? Part of the issue is a leadership skills gap. 10,000 Baby Boomers are retiring every day, and a large portion of them are leaving leadership positions. Millennials are now an even larger generation than the Baby Boomers, but Millennials often don’t have the necessary skills to step into leadership positions and be fully effective.”

Classes to take…

Most companies invest huge amounts of money in leadership development. Classes, seminars, workshops, and lectures. also says “83% of organizations say that it is important to develop leaders at all levels.” There are many aspects of being a real man, do you qualify?

Shakespeare Fortnite

Romeo and Juliet Fortnite; The “New Version” Girl edition:

This article is about a frequently played game with a twist of Shakespeare!

What is fortnite: Battle Royal?

In this as said to be “addicting game,” 100 players leap out of a plane on to a small island and then fight each other until only one is left. Hidden around the island are weapons and items, including crossbows, rifles and grenade launchers, and players must arm themselves while exploring the landscape and buildings. As the match goes on, the playable area of land is continually reduced, so participants are forced closer and closer together.

The Story behind the twist 

We combined the beloved setting of Verona Italy, a setting for the old favored play, Romeo and Juliet. This game although while boys and girls play it, the game is looked as to be a “boys game” in general our society associates online games with younger boys in general. The age of 10-18 year olds is what we sort of categorize the ages of most of the online gamers. Now we know that’s not the case, in fact I know many girls that do play fortnite and enjoy it as much as everyone else, not saying this game has any less feminine qualities to it. But it’s simply more viewed as a boys niche of the gaming world. Many complain of the men in their relationships playing this game, because it is all they do.Women have taken to social media and started petitions calling for a ban on Fortnite, a wildly popular video game that has robbed them of attention from their significant others who are too engrossed in a fictional “Hunger Games.” Knowing this game is looked as a “relationship breaker” we have a fix!

What did we do?

The creators of this “new version” of fortnite changed the entire map. The map  lies at the foot of the Lessini Mountains, 65 miles west of Venice, in Verona Italy in the 15th century. Everything in fortnite is the same, the same weapons same skins etc. By making a boys game into a romantic love story, will appeal to more females. I interviewed the maker to make this modification. Josh Johnson is one of the creators of the addictive game. He helped us to improve fortnite to where everyone would want to play this game. He added special qualities to the game like castles a new stone town and a river specific to Italy.


In Romeo and Juliet there are many roles and to make sure we added every detail we made new skins two for of course Romeo and Juliet also have new ones for Tibet, Paris, both of Romeo and Juliet’s parents. The skins include clothing from the early 1600s. There are places on the map that are from the setting of the play. It includes Juliet’s home, her room and the place she “killed” herself by taking a potion, but to Romeo’s surprise it was a sleeping potion. So because of her, our potions now will put you to sleep if taken, so watch out for them! Romeo had a dagger that Juliet killed herself with, so because of that you are now able to carry a dagger and fight others with. I asked my friend/artist of the game, Symia, a couple questions about the look of the game, and she said “I made many of the buildings and other structures wooden and out of rock because I just felt like to get the full effect of the setting of Romeo and Juliet we must make everything set back in that time I made the game feel realistic but also cartoon like to keep the essence of fortnite.”


Overall, this game is a revolutionary way of playing online games. Already we have 2.6 million playing online at the same time. Symia says “clearly this was not a mistake” and the people seem to only increase. She wanted to talk to us about the count of how many people play at a time. She says about 1 million are playing at once close to the number of players playing regular fortnite at once. Our. game design change was a success! And will continue to be one.

Consequences of WWI

World War I was fought between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The main members of the Allied Powers were France, Russia, and Britain. After World War I, there were many repercussions of WWI.

One consequence was the number of refugee’s or “stateless” people that the war had created. The intense nationalism had helped cause the war led a number of countries to force out ethnic minorities in order to achieve “ethnic purity” Almost everyone was painfully aware that the war had displaced millions of stateless people in desperate need of a home. Many lives were homeless and in a hard position, they couldn’t work, so that means they couldn’t make a profit to keep themselves alive.

The next consequence was The Treaty Versailles, The Treaty of Versailles is a peace document signed at the end of WWI by the allied and associated powers, it took force on January 10, 1920. Now, it didn’t negatively affect everyone included, but it did have negative effect on Germany. France was forcing Germany to an unsuccessful future. The war robbed Germany of territory and the right to have a true military. Also Germany did not agree with the treaty. They hated clause 231, the ‘War Guilt’ clause which stated that Germany had caused all the loss and damage of the war.

The Last repercussion was the rise of Hitler. The Treaty of Versailles contributed greatly to the alienation many Germans felt about their civilian, and the democratic government, and when these combined with the actions of the military, it provided a rich material for Hitler to use to gain the support of those on the right. And soon Hitler became higher and higher in power.

Causes of WWI

The 5 major causes of WWI are Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism, and Assassination.

Militarism is the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.

The next cause is Alliances, By 1914, the six major powers of Europe were split into two alliances that would form the two warring sides in World War I. Britain, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente, while Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy joined in the Triple Alliance.

The next cause is Nationalism, nationalism is loyalty and devotion to a nation especially a sense of national consciousness. It was this pan-Slavic that inspired the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914. The assassination was a main cause of the war driven by nationalism.

Imperialism is another cause, imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Britain was one of the most expanded empires in WW1 therefore it’s one of the most important and powerful countries during the war.

The last cause is Assassination, The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, occurred on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo when they were mortally wounded by Gavrilo Princip. That created chaos and was known as the main reason for the war to start.

True Love?

Have you ever wondered if true love was just something made up out of a fairy tale? I’ve always heard since I was a little kid that some day I’m going to encounter someone and I will know instantly that I will spend the rest of my life with them, but honestly I don’t know if that feeling really exists. I know the feeling of love is real, but you hear so many stories about how someone knows they want to marry someone, and I’ve felt that before, but I don’t ever know if I’m going to spend my life with them things could completely change, and then it doesn’t work out. The divorce rate per 1000 married women is nearly double that of 1960, but down from the all time high of 22.6 in the early 1980s. So is there really such a thing?

I know I’m only 15 and I do know how to love, I do love, but is there really such a thing as being truly happy with someone for the rest of your life? I know people stay with each other their whole life, but are they really happy, and how do you know you’re happy after so long? If you found your so called “true love” can you stop loving them?

Statistics show cheating in a marriage is highly likely. I believe if you cheat on someone you don’t love them. So if how come so many people marry someone they truly don’t love? The dictionary definition “of love is a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for aparent, child, or friend.” So if you love someone you are attached to someone meaning you would never part from the other person in the relationship. Are there too many people in this world for some to find their true love? Although I feel if true love was a thing it would always lead to you. But what about the people that die lonely? Do they just not look for love, or a relationship?

I feel as though you can love anyone that crosses your path, it all just depends on if you click, and maybe that “click” is a sign. I think maybe there is no such thing as true love, but there is true connections that people can make to create a bond that leads to a passionate relationship, and that is when the though of “love” comes in. Love is just a word for feeling real passion.


Beach Trip Memory

It was a peaceful night and I had been waiting for the past three months for this moment, my dad was coming to get me at my moms house to take me to Florida! It was about 1 am and I heard the truck right outside my door, my dad had driven 12 hours for this moment. My bags were all packed and I heard a knock at the door and instantly shot up and opened the door. My dad hugged me the tightest he’s ever hugged me.

I said my goodbyes to my mother and sister and I was off! I soon fell asleep in the truck. My dad drove us to Lexington and then we stopped and got a hotel. That night was so fun! We stayed up talking to each other for hours even though we were both dog tired, we were both so excited to see each other. We finally got to sleep, we slept till about 10 in the morning and then hit the road! We made it to my dad’s house and we ate then went back to bed. The week went by really fast, I hung out with my brother and his friends a lot.

We had the best time, after the week had gone by it was finally time to go to Florida! My whole family went with us. We took three cars and all met up at Jack’s in the morning. After that we’re off to our hotel. I slept most of the way there, it felt really fast because I’m use to an eighteen our trip instead of a six hour trip. We got close enough to the beach that you could smell the salty sea (that’s my favorite part). After not being able to locate our hotel for about 30 minutes, we finally found it. Our whole family was going to be crammed into one hotel room the room had three beds and two bathrooms, also it had a couch that pulled out, that’s what I slept on. The hotel room was definitely crowded! After we got to the hotel it was a blur. Every other minute we were doing something. My favorite part was surfing at a beach that was known for gigantic waves. Soon the trip was coming to an end, that was just my type of trip we did so many things and had so much fun in Panama city beach.

Uphill Battle

Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers as the nations largest living generation. According to population estimates, millennials the age of 18-34 now number 75.4 million surpassing the 74.9 million Baby Boomers. They are the biggest generation and also our biggest problem. Due to many factors in their community they are known to be inconsiderate, lazy and narcissistic. There are 3 main factors that make them known to be this way.

  1. Millennials are known for growing up in a household where their parents teach them there is no second place, or you know the participation trophy parents. The reason this is flawed is because, the children will grow up learning life is full of rewards when you don’t try. Then the kids get old enough to move out and they’re left on their own to do grown up things when they have been taught not to apply themselves to the full potential. That leads to many issues down the road when you can’t get a job because you feel entitled to one. The way to fix this is millennials have to challenge themselves and parents need to let their kids scrape their knees once in a while.
  2. Cell phone addiction is another reason these young adults aren’t living their full potential. Cell phone addiction is a real addiction it’s not just some made up thing to get you off your phone at dinner time. When you get a notification it lets off dopamine which is a chemical in your brain and it gives you a sense of pleasure, by that you can become highly addicted.
  3. Depression is most common among millennials, millennials statistics show they are the most depressed among any other age group. Highschool dropouts were most common around that age group due to anxiety and bullying. Solving this is easy and also very hard people need to be more sympathetic, but you can’t make people be nice.

Low self esteem and self hate are repercussions of all of these, in order to fix these three factors you must evaluate yourself and ask yourself if you are doing any of these and if you are, you must practice the remedies for the problems, like displaying empathy and challenging yourself.