“Being a man” Inspired By To Kill a Mockingbird

What does it mean to be a man?

Do you think American men and maybe men anywhere else in the world are confused about what it means to be a man? Over generations there have been many ideas and preferences to what a man is and how he should act, being a true man and being male are two different things. I think aspects of being a man is standing up for something and speaking against things when they know it’s right. It’s providing for his family. It’s taking care of his family. That’s what a man really is, in to kill a mocking bird the character, Atticus was standing up for a crippled black man being falsely accused of rape. To me that alone is a very manly thing to do, he believes the man did nothing wrong and he intends to stand up for him.

Bad Parenting?

Are the parents to blame of this loss of culture? The younger generation needs examples of real men to grow up and follow in their footsteps, there are many good men still but there are many counterexamples, everything starts at the very peak of adolescence if there are not

figures in early life showing, and leading an example of how to be, the young adults will show behavior of its peers or other examples around him. Bad parenting can affect the child in big ways it can inhibit the inability to have long lasting friendships and relationships. New York Times says bad parenting makes

a child more prone to criminal behaviors. Making these children grow up behaving irregular teaching more these wrong behaviors. Neglected children and those who are exposed to abuse are more likely to be prosecuted for juvenile delinquency. Other common effects of bad parenting include failure to thrive and poor growth and development both physically and mentally.

What does this mean?

To be a man you must lead by example and if we have no one to learn how to lead there will be no more leaders. Leadership is a very important aspect of a community. Levelupleadership.com says “every company wants it, every company looks for it, tries to train for it, and tries to hire for it.So why do 71% of businesses feel that their leaders are not able to lead their organization into the future? Part of the issue is a leadership skills gap. 10,000 Baby Boomers are retiring every day, and a large portion of them are leaving leadership positions. Millennials are now an even larger generation than the Baby Boomers, but Millennials often don’t have the necessary skills to step into leadership positions and be fully effective.”

Classes to take…

Most companies invest huge amounts of money in leadership development. Classes, seminars, workshops, and lectures. Levelupleadership.com also says “83% of organizations say that it is important to develop leaders at all levels.” There are many aspects of being a real man, do you qualify?

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